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Full System Architecture Redesign and Cross-Platform Migration for Cinema Grade

Projektziele und Herausforderungen


Color Grading LLC, the creators of the Cinema Grade software, sought a complete system overhaul to support platform independence and future-proof their software for macOS and Windows. This involved not only a complete rearchitecture but also the migration of GPU kernels from OpenCL to CUDA. The project included designing a GPU rendering engine and processing library, packaging installers, and writing extensive functional and integration tests to ensure consistent performance and compatibility across both platforms.



Initial Situation

Cinema Grade was originally developed exclusively for macOS, deeply integrated with its native frameworks. As the demand for a Windows version grew, the need to migrate the codebase and create a cross-platform architecture became essential. The existing system lacked modularity, making maintenance and expansion challenging, and the reliance on OpenCL for GPU processing limited performance gains that could be achieved on modern GPUs.

Client's Pain Points

Color Grading LLC faced significant challenges as their Cinema Grade software was originally developed exclusively for macOS, limiting their ability to expand into the growing Windows market. The platform-specific dependencies made it difficult to achieve cross-platform compatibility, while the existing architecture lacked modularity, complicating future updates and feature expansions. Additionally, the reliance on OpenCL for GPU processing constrained performance, especially on modern GPUs, which impacted the overall speed and efficiency of the software. The company needed a solution that would not only address these technical issues but also ensure that both macOS and Windows versions provided a consistent, high-quality user experience.

Unsere Lösung

Redesign and Rearchitecture

We performed a full system rearchitecture, focusing on platform independence and ensuring modularity for future scalability.

Cross-Platform GPU Rendering Engine

We developed a new GPU rendering and processing engine, ensuring it would perform efficiently on both macOS and Windows. This included a migration of the GPU kernels from OpenCL to CUDA for improved GPU performance, especially on NVIDIA hardware.

CMake Packaging and Installer Creation

We integrated a unified build system using CMake to streamline cross-platform development and packaged installers for both operating systems.

System Programs Integration

We integrated various system-level programs into the rendering engine and the overall architecture, making sure they were seamlessly operable on both macOS and Windows.

Testing and Quality Assurance

We wrote comprehensive functional and integration tests to ensure that both macOS and Windows versions produced identical outputs and delivered a consistent user experience.

Root Cause Analysis and Bug Fixing

As part of the process, we uncovered and fixed several legacy issues in the macOS version, further improving its reliability and performance.

our solution.png
our solution - mobile.png


Replacement of platform-specific APIs with cross-platform solutions

Custom CMake scripts were developed to handle cross-platform builds, packaging, and installer creation.

Use of platform-independent libraries to ensure a seamless user experience across macOS and Windows

Verwendete Technologien

The project involved extensive use of CMake for cross-platform builds, CUDA for GPU acceleration, OpenCL (legacy), macOS and Windows system APIs, GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipelines for continuous integration and deployment, C++ for core engine, plugin development and GUI development.

Ergebnis und Auswirkung

The successful migration of Cinema Grade to Windows allowed Color Grading LLC to significantly expand their market reach, offering their software to a broader audience. The unified codebase maintained feature parity and performance consistency across both macOS and Windows, delivering a seamless user experience on both platforms. By implementing cross-platform builds with CMake, a robust CI/CD pipeline, and migrating GPU kernels from OpenCL to CUDA, the project improved performance and ensured compatibility with modern hardware.

Additionally, thorough functional and integration tests were conducted to guarantee consistent output across different versions, ultimately enhancing software quality and speeding up release cycles. This migration empowered Color Grading LLC to increase their user base and revenue, while simplifying future development and maintenance efforts.


We performed a deep analysis of the existing Cinema Grade architecture, identifying all platform-specific code and areas requiring redesign to support cross-platform execution.

Redesign and Rearchitecture

The core components of the software were restructured for modularity and ease of maintenance, while also improving performance through better code organization.

Cross-Platform Build System

Implemented CMake as the build system, ensuring seamless builds on both macOS and Windows. This also simplified the process for packaging installers.

GPU Rendering and Kernel Migration

We developed a new GPU rendering engine and migrated the processing engine kernels from OpenCL to CUDA to improve performance on NVIDIA GPUs.

Installer Creation

Custom installers were created for both platforms to streamline distribution and ensure that both macOS and Windows versions could be easily installed and maintained.

CI/CD Pipeline Setup

A robust CI/CD pipeline was established to automate testing and deployment, ensuring that any changes could be seamlessly integrated and deployed across both platforms.

Functional and Integration Testing

Extensive tests were written to ensure output consistency and performance across both platforms. Root cause analysis was performed to address any remaining bugs and issues in the macOS version, further improving system stability and reliability.

Plugin Development

We developed and tested Windows-compatible plugins to ensure feature parity and enhance the functionality of Cinema Grade on Windows.

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Aufruf zum Handeln

This project demonstrated our ability to execute complex platform migrations while maintaining high standards of quality and performance. Our close collaboration with the Color Grading LLC team was crucial in ensuring the success of the project.

This project showcased our expertise in executing complex platform migrations while redesigning and rearchitecting critical components, including GPU rendering engines. Our ability to transition from macOS to a cross-platform solution, along with the seamless migration of GPU kernels from OpenCL to CUDA, ensured top-tier performance and consistency across both macOS and Windows. Additionally, our comprehensive approach involved root cause analysis, system-level optimizations, and functional testing to guarantee reliability and quality. The close collaboration with the Color Grading LLC team was key to the success of the project, ensuring their objectives were fully met and delivering a robust, high-performance solution.

Looking to expand your software's reach across platforms or improve performance with cutting-edge GPU optimizations? Contact us to discover how we can assist with full codebase migration, cross-platform development, GPU kernel migration, and system-level enhancements to elevate your product's performance and compatibility.

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