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Enhancing Lotus with ROCm/HIP: A High-Performance Computing Case Study

Projektziele und Herausforderungen


Lotus, a key implementation within the Filecoin network, required substantial computational power to process and verify large-scale decentralized storage operations. The existing reliance on OpenCL was causing performance bottlenecks, particularly on AMD hardware. Our goal was to enhance Lotus's performance by adding ROCm/HIP support, enabling more efficient use of AMD GPUs and improving the overall system throughput.



Initial Situation

Lotus's performance was constrained by the limitations of OpenCL, which was not fully optimized for AMD GPUs. This resulted in slower computation times and reduced efficiency, impacting the network's ability to handle large volumes of data and complex cryptographic operations.

Client's Pain Points

The performance bottlenecks were particularly critical given the scale at which Lotus operates. Filecoin's decentralized nature requires high-efficiency computation to maintain network stability and speed, and the current OpenCL implementation was not meeting these demands, necessitating an alternative solution.

Unsere Lösung

We integrated ROCm/HIP support into the Lotus project, replacing OpenCL as the primary computation framework on AMD hardware. ROCm (Radeon Open Compute) and HIP (Heterogeneous-Compute Interface for Portability) are designed to provide high-performance computing capabilities, especially on AMD GPUs, ensuring better utilization of hardware resources.

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our solution - mobile.png


The integration involved significant modifications to the existing codebase to ensure seamless compatibility with ROCm/HIP. We also implemented custom optimizations to leverage the full potential of AMD's architecture, resulting in faster computation times and improved overall performance.

Verwendete Technologien

The project utilized ROCm and HIP for computation, with specific attention to optimizing performance on AMD hardware. We also conducted performance benchmarking and testing to measure the improvements over the previous OpenCL implementation.

Ergebnis und Auswirkung

The addition of ROCm/HIP support led to a significant improvement in computational performance on AMD hardware, reducing processing times and enhancing the overall efficiency of Lotus. This improvement was crucial for maintaining the speed and reliability of operations within the Filecoin network.

Business Impact

The performance improvements allowed Lotus to operate more efficiently within the Filecoin network, enhancing the overall user experience and ensuring the system could scale to meet growing demands. This not only improved current operations but also positioned Lotus to handle future growth more effectively.


We began by assessing the current performance bottlenecks associated with OpenCL and identified areas where ROCm/HIP could provide substantial improvements.


The ROCm/HIP frameworks were integrated into the Lotus codebase, with modifications to ensure compatibility and stability across the system.


Custom optimizations were developed to fully exploit AMD hardware capabilities, focusing on reducing computation times and increasing throughput.

Testing and Benchmarking

Extensive testing was conducted to ensure that the new implementation met performance expectations, with benchmarking against the previous OpenCL-based system to demonstrate the improvements.

Collaboration with Client

Throughout the project, we maintained close communication with the Lotus team, ensuring that the integration aligned with their technical requirements and long-term goals. Feedback loops were established to address any emerging challenges promptly.

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Aufruf zum Handeln

This project highlights our ability to deliver critical performance enhancements for complex systems, working closely with the Lotus team to ensure that the solution met all of their technical and operational needs.

Need to boost the performance of your high-computation systems? Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve significant gains through advanced technologies like ROCm/HIP.

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