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Geschichte des Projekts


Building the Future of Automotive Dashboards: Volcon Stag Project Case Study

Projektziele und Herausforderungen


Volcon Company sought to develop an advanced digital dashboard for their Stag model, integrating complex features and high-performance requirements. The goal was to create a seamless and intuitive user interface using Qt Enterprise, tailored to the specific needs of embedded automotive systems.



Initial Situation

The automotive industry demands robust and reliable software solutions for in-car displays, requiring real-time performance and seamless integration with vehicle systems. Volcon needed a dashboard interface that not only met these technical demands but also provided an exceptional user experience.

Client's Pain Points

The main challenges included ensuring smooth communication between the dashboard and the vehicle's internal systems via CAN communication, optimizing the software for the NXP i.MX hardware, and ensuring that the interface was both visually appealing and functionally robust.

Unsere Lösung

We developed a comprehensive dashboard interface using Qt Enterprise, leveraging its powerful tools to create a polished and responsive UI. The software was designed to run on the NXP i.MX platform with Yocto-based Embedded Linux, ensuring compatibility with the car's hardware and operating system.

our solution.png
our solution - mobile.png


Our team translated the designs into a functional Qt-based interface. Custom CAN communication protocols were implemented to ensure reliable data exchange between the dashboard and the vehicle's systems.

Verwendete Technologien

The project involved the use of Qt Enterprise for UI development, NXP i.MX for hardware, Yocto for the embedded Linux environment, and CAN communication protocols for interfacing with the car's systems.

Ergebnis und Auswirkung

The dashboard interface was successfully integrated into the Volcon Stag, providing a modern and intuitive user experience. The project met all technical requirements, including seamless CAN communication and optimal performance on the NXP i.MX platform.

Long-term Benefits

The scalable and customizable nature of the dashboard interface allows Volcon to easily update and expand its features in future models, ensuring longevity and adaptability in a rapidly evolving market.


We focused on the integration of CAN communication, ensuring that the dashboard could accurately and reliably display data from the vehicle's various sensors and systems.

Testing and Optimization

Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure that the dashboard interface met all performance criteria, particularly in real-time data processing and display.

Collaboration with Client

We maintained close collaboration with Volcon throughout the project, regularly reviewing progress and incorporating their feedback to ensure the final product aligned with their vision.

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Aufruf zum Handeln

This project underscored the importance of close collaboration in automotive software development, with our team working alongside Volcon to ensure that the final product exceeded expectations.

Looking to develop a cutting-edge interface for your automotive systems? Contact us to learn how we can bring your vision to life with our expertise in embedded software and UI development.

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