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Harness the Power of GPUs with Our GPU Parallel Processing Framework

GPU Parallel Processing Framework

GPU Parallel Processing Framework

Product Overview

Our GPU Parallel Processing Framework empowers developers to perform high-performance computations across a variety of GPU architectures, including CUDA, OpenCL, Metal, Vulkan, and more. Whether you're building complex applications or simple computations, our framework provides an easy-to-use interface that abstracts away the complexities of backend differences, letting you focus on what matters—your application’s performance.

Key Features

Cross-Platform Interface

Develop once, deploy everywhere. Whether you’re targeting Windows, macOS, or Linux, our framework ensures optimal performance across platforms.

Backend Agnostic
Works with major GPU architectures, including CUDA, OpenCL, Metal, and Vulkan, allowing seamless integration regardless of the underlying hardware.

Buffer and Kernel Management
Provides simple mechanisms to create buffers, manage memory, and execute kernels across platforms.






Key Features

Precompiled & Source Versions

Whether you want to get started quickly or need full control over the codebase, we offer both precompiled and full source versions to meet your needs.

Ready-to-Use Kernels

Includes a library of optimized kernels, allowing you to jumpstart development and integrate GPU-powered operations without writing code from scratch.



Efficient Parallel Processing

Efficient Parallel Processing

The framework is specifically designed to enable highly efficient parallel processing by leveraging the strengths of different GPU architectures. With tools for sequential kernel execution, such as the SequenceExecutor, you can design and run complex pipelines involving multiple kernels with ease.

Includes a library of optimized kernels, allowing you to jumpstart development and integrate GPU-powered operations without writing code from scratch.

Ready-to-Use Kernels

Ready-to-Use Kernels
Buffer and Kernel Management

Provides simple mechanisms to create buffers, manage memory, and execute kernels across platforms. ​Simplify the execution of complex tasks like buffer management and kernel execution.

Buffer and Kernel Management

Continuous Updates and Support

Regular updates ensure your plugins remain compatible with the latest versions of your preferred editing software. Enjoy the benefits of new features and optimizations as they're added, without disrupting your workflow.

Continuous Updates and Support

Use Cases

Video Plugin Development

This framework forms the core of our Video Plugin Development Framework, enabling GPU-accelerated video effects on a wide range of devices.

Scientific Computing

From data simulations to large-scale image processing tasks, developers can leverage available GPUs for high-performance computing.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Are you interested in this product? Contact us so we can consult and guide you through each step of the journey and make use of this product easy.

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