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Story of the Project

U-Boot Customization and Qt-Based Camera Control for Inertia Unlimited

Project Goals and Challenges


Inertia Unlimited, a leader in high-speed camera systems, required U-Boot customization for their embedded systems, an auto-recovery system for enhanced reliability, and a camera control application based on Qt C++ running on Raspberry Pi.


Problem Statement

Initial Situation

Inertia Unlimited faced challenges with their embedded systems, needing customized U-Boot firmware to optimize boot processes. They also required an auto-recovery system to ensure stability in case of system failures. Additionally, the client needed a user-friendly and responsive camera control application on Raspberry Pi for their specialized camera hardware.

Client's Pain Points

The client's existing systems were prone to unexpected failures and needed an automated recovery mechanism. Managing the camera’s real-time operations efficiently was also critical, but their previous tools did not meet performance and usability requirements.

Our Solution

We implemented custom U-Boot patches tailored to the client’s hardware, ensuring a faster and more reliable boot process.

We integrated a watchdog-based auto-recovery system to automatically reboot or recover the system in case of software or hardware failures, enhancing device stability.

our solution.png
our solution - mobile.png


We developed a Qt-based camera control application specifically for Raspberry Pi, offering an intuitive interface with real-time control over the camera hardware.

Technologies Used

U-Boot, Qt C++, Raspberry Pi, Watchdog, Embedded Linux

Outcome & Impact

U-Boot Customization

Improved boot times and reliability of the client’s embedded devices.

Auto-Recovery System

Significantly reduced system downtime, thanks to the automated recovery mechanism.

Camera Control Application

Delivered a highly responsive camera control application, significantly improving the user experience and operational efficiency.

Long-term Benefits

Inertia Unlimited now has a more stable and reliable system for their high-speed camera operations, with an easy-to-use control application and resilient bootloader customizations.

Implementation Process

Identified client requirements, including U-Boot customization, auto-recovery system features, and camera control functionalities.

U-Boot Customization Patching

Applied custom patches to the U-Boot bootloader for optimal hardware support and faster boot times.

Auto-Recovery System Implementation

Designed and integrated a watchdog-based recovery system, ensuring automatic detection and recovery from device failures.

Qt C++ Camera Control Application Development

Built a camera control application on Raspberry Pi, ensuring it was lightweight, responsive, and met the real-time needs of the client’s camera system.

Testing and Refinement

Rigorously tested all components to ensure they met performance, stability, and usability requirements.

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Business Meeting

Call to Action

Our work with Inertia Unlimited demonstrated our expertise in both low-level embedded development and high-level application development, addressing challenges at both the hardware and software levels.

Looking for custom embedded solutions or real-time control applications? Contact us to discuss how our U-Boot customization, auto-recovery systems, and Qt C++ applications can enhance your projects.

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