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Streamline Video Editing with the

Video Plugin Development Framework

Video Plugin Development Framework

Product Overview

Our Video Plugin Development Framework is a game-changing tool designed for developers and video editors alike. This framework enables the creation of high-performance video effects and their seamless integration into popular video editing software like DaVinci Resolve and Adobe Premiere Pro. Whether you’re a developer looking to expand your capabilities or an editor seeking new creative options, our framework is a versatile solution for all your plugin development needs.

Key Features

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Develop video effects that seamlessly work across Windows, macOS, and Linux. Whether you're targeting Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve, the same plugin works smoothly in all supported environments.

Backend Agnostic
Support for CUDA, OpenCL, Metal, and more, making GPU integration smooth and efficient across platforms.

Pre-built Effects Library
Includes customizable effects like Blur, Contrast, and Sepia Tone—easily modifiable through simple JSON configuration.

Pre-Built Effects Library

Modular Kernel System
Easily implement, modify, and chain GPU kernels to create complex video effects with minimal effort.

Seamless Integration
No need to worry about the specific APIs or plugin architectures of different video editing platforms. Our unified interface abstracts these complexities for you.

Developer-Friendly Interface

Developer-Friendly Interface

With a simple yet powerful interface, developers can quickly create video plugins without the hassle of managing the specifics of GPU backends or complex plugin architectures. Once developed, your plugins are automatically recognized by Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve, allowing editors to access and apply them seamlessly.

Streamline your development with a single, unified API for Adobe Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve. You no longer need to navigate the complexities of different plugin systems—our framework handles the integration for you.

Plugin Interface

Unified Plugin Interface
Modular Kernel Architecture

Easily extend the framework by adding, modifying, or testing new GPU kernels. This modular system supports complex image processing pipelines, enabling multiple effects in sequence or parallel with ease.

Modular Kernel Architecture

Whether you're working on simple filters or complex transformations, the framework ensures that your effects run at peak performance, utilizing the full power of available GPUs to process video in real time.


Optimized for High Performance

Optimized for High Performance
Pre-Built Effects Library

Jumpstart your project with a collection of pre-built, high-performance effects such as Blur, Contrast, and Sepia Tone. Customize them further through simple JSON configurations to fit your exact needs.

Pre-Built Effects Library

Continuous Updates and Support

Regular updates ensure your plugins remain compatible with the latest versions of your preferred editing software. Enjoy the benefits of new features and optimizations as they're added, without disrupting your workflow.

Continuous Updates and Support

Call to Action

Contact Us

Are you interested in this product? Contact us so we can consult and guide you through each step of the journey to ensure the framework is convenient for you.

How It Works


Set up the framework in your development environment.​


Create your video effect kernels using a simple C++ class and configure them using JSON.


Compile and integrate your plugin into Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve—the framework handles the complexities of compatibility.


Editors can apply your custom effects directly in their workflows, without needing extra setup or configurations.

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